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Traditional Houses

'Hanok' is a word used to describe houses constructed using the traditional Korean style of architecture. Korean architecture lends consideration to the positioning of the house in relation to its surroundings with thought given to the land and seasons.

The interior structure of the house is also planned accordingly. This principle is also called 'Baesanimsu' meaning that the ideal house is built with a mountain in the back and a river in the front with the 'ondol' heated rock syhouses as the purpose to get stem for heating during cold winters and a wide 'daecheong' front porch for keeping the house cool during hot summers.

Houses differ according to region. In the cold northern parts of Korea, houses are built in a closed square form to retain heat better. In the central regions, houses are 'L' shaped. Houses in the southernmost regions of Korea are built in an open 'I' form. Houses can also be classified according to who it was built for, high class, middle class, or lower class.

The following are the pictures of traditional houses that can be founded in some part of Korea:-

Namsangol Traditional Korean Village

Korean Folk Village

Naganeupseong Folk Village

Seongeup Folk Village

Jirye Art Village

Cheonghakdong Village

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